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API Reference


Unless specified otherwise, components documented here can be imported from tartiflette_asgi directly, e.g. from tartiflette_asgi import TartifletteApp.



Note: all parameters are keyword-only.

  • engine (Engine): a Tartiflette engine. Required if sdl is not given.
  • sdl (str): a GraphQL schema defined using the GraphQL Schema Definition Language. Required if engine is not given.
  • path (str, optional): the path which clients should make GraphQL queries to. Defaults to "/".
  • graphiql (GraphiQL or bool, optional): configuration for the GraphiQL client. Defaults to True, which is equivalent to GraphiQL(). Use False to not register the GraphiQL client.
  • subscriptions (Subscriptions or bool, optional): subscriptions configuration. Defaults to True, which is equivalent to Subscriptions(path="/subscriptions"). Leave empty or pass None to not register the subscription WebSocket endpoint.
  • context (dict, optional): a copy of this dictionary is passed to resolvers when executing a query. Defaults to {}. Note: the Starlette Request object is always present as req.
  • schema_name (str, optional): name of the GraphQL schema from the Schema Registry which should be used — mostly for advanced usage. Defaults to "default".


  • __call__(scope, receive, send): ASGI3 implementation.

Error responses

Status code Description
400 Bad Request The GraphQL query could not be found in the request data.
404 Not Found The request does not match the GraphQL or GraphiQL endpoint paths.
405 Method Not Allowed The HTTP method is not one of GET, HEAD or POST.
415 Unsupported Media Type The POST request made to the GraphQL endpoint uses a Content-Type different from application/json and application/graphql.


Configuration helper for the GraphiQL client.


Note: all parameters are keyword-only.

  • path (str, optional): the path of the GraphiQL endpoint, relative to the root path which TartifletteApp is served at. If not given, defaults to the path given to TartifletteApp.
  • default_headers (dict, optional): extra HTTP headers to send when calling the GraphQL endpoint.
  • default_query (str, optional): the default query to display when accessing the GraphiQL interface.
  • default_variables (dict, optional): default variables to display when accessing the GraphiQL interface.
  • template (str, optional): an HTML template to use instead of the default one. In the template, default_headers, default_query and default_variables, as well as the GraphQL endpoint, are available as strings (JSON-encoded if needed) using template string substitutions, e.g.:
const endpoint = `${endpoint}`; // This is where the API call should be made.
const defaultHeaders = JSON.parse(`${default_headers}`);


Configuration helper for WebSocket subscriptions.


Note: all parameters are keyword-only.

  • path (str): the path of the subscriptions WebSocket endpoint, relative to the root path which TartifletteApp is served at. If not given, defaults to /subscriptions.